Hate Mail
Here you will find examples of a very popular profession/hobby, which is to say, the pushers of Hate mail….Whether paid or unpaid, the trolls purpose in Life is to be the Defenders of the INDEFENSIBLE THEORY….Their brains are entirely devoid of logic, facts, evidence, common sense and the such and are basically well worn out Hackneyed Igorian YES MEN who through Virtual World Thuggery and Half-Baked Quackassery, attempt to derail, belittle, intimidate, coerce and side track ALL Positive Directions which expose the Crimes and Evil Intents of the current crop of Criminals in Washington D.C….These Hate Mail Pushers never have any evidence to substantiate the side they are trying to defend and therefore remain trying to defend an INDEFENSIBLE THEORY which the U.S. Government parades around to try and cover-up the facts of every major NEWS EVENT….such as the MAGIC BULLET INDEFENSIBLE THEORY {JFK assassination}, such as the RED COMMIE DOMINO INDEFENSIBLE THEORY {Vietnam}, such as their cover story for the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. LIBERTY, such as the PANCAKING COLLAPSE INDEFENSIBLE THEORY {9-11-2001}, such as their WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION INDEFENSIBLE THEORY & 9-11 CONNECTION INDEFENSIBLE THEORY {for the years of illegal war on IRAQ}{which by the way, WAS EXPOSED as being a Theory and was found to be fraudulent} and on and on….So alas, these half-baked-fringe-lunatic trolls spew HATE & NONSENSE to aid and abet the current crop of D.C. entrenched terrorists in an attempt to negate all forms of TRUTH & ENLIGHTENMENT which may find a public forum, so they think and so they try, but here in this Virtual World and in this Real World, their HATE filled endeavors will not hoodwink or dupe or fool a single solitary soul who is awake here on Earth….Remember, exposing the Criminals in the American Government has everything to do with supporting and strengthening the UNITED STATES of AMERICA due to the fact, that by removing the Criminal Rogue Elements throughout all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government, the USA shall prove eternal, where as the Rogue Element, the traitors, the Criminals, the Constitution Haters, the Patriot Act Pushers, they are entirely expendable….
I think Mr. Bowden's "Tactics of Tyrants are Always Transparent" is pure old propaganda and I personally find it disgusting. Its hard for me to imagine that any logical informed person who make such a disgraceful thing. As an artist I think, "what a waste of talent".
Wesley B. Smith, Sacramento
Go fuck your self chuck. Asshole cocksucker.
Obamagod {detail}, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing, 2010, 2 3/4 x 3 3/4
Hey Chuckie, you may be an accomplished 'artist' but as an American, you are one
sorry piece of human waste.
Dear Mr. Bowden
> In case you've been under a rock for the past two years you would know that
towel-heads killed the victims of the world trade center.
> President Bush is the next best thing to Ronald Reagan.
> I hope your happy for the soldiers who have died for your free speech so you can
create such a "Piece of Art" if that is what you call it.
> I hope that work stays in the closet where it belongs, you communist.
> Julie
> Texan, Republican and NRA member
Dear Chuckie,
> Just saw your very interesting "award-winning" painting where you depict George
Bush as the perpetrator of 9/11. Wow, and all this time I thought it was Islamic
terrorists. Man, was I wrong, this country is really lucky to have a guy like you
to enlighten us and point this out. I think Bush was actually controlling each
plane via a PlayStation 2 that had been specially modifed by the NSA...what do you
think? Proably sitting in his bunker with Cheney having a good chuckle as he uses
his game controller to skillfully guide the first plane into impact (those old
Navy pilot skills came in handy, huh?). And I've also heard that he picked those
particular flights because there were big contributors to the Democratic Party
onboard, (remember the "Frasier" producer)..yep, a genuine Hollywooder, no doubt
about it, that Bush's a clever one...rumor has it that he went so far as to
actually collaborate with Bin Laden to take the fall with a secret agreement made
over a light lunch one day in
> Osama's cave...which, I'm certain your aware is not REALLY a cave, but actually a
very cleverly concealed vacation retreat called Club Dead, which Bush uses as a
front for a top secret global cocaine smuggling operation. In return Osama was
granted a secret audience with the Queen (thanks to his partner in crime Tony
Blair) where he was knighted for his service to the coalition. How could it be
any clearer.
> But this is only the tipof the iceberg, oh yes, c'mon we all know Bush was
involved in the Kennedy assassination, and the Hindenberg disaster (now that the
movie "Timeline" is out, his secret to time travel has finally been revealed!).
Yep, pretty much every tragic event since the dawn of time bears Bush's
unmistakable stamp. You name it WW1, WW2, the Krakatoa eruption, the Holocaust (oh
wait, I forgot, that didn't actually happen, it was just a Jewish media control
conspiracy, but I'll bet Bush helped!) all with that common thread being old
George himself. Chuckie, your infinite wisdom truly defies description, and we are
indeed lucky that you are on guard for America.
> Also Chuckie, it's easy to see that you are quite an accomplished artist. Yep,
absolutely, and I know fine art when I see it, believe me. In your works you can
never see the numbers, and you stay within the lines (well, most of the
time)...maybe for Christmas you can ask Santa to bring you the big Crayola 64
color box, maybe even the one with the built-in sharpener (yikes!), who knows what
great new masterworks you can create then!!!
> Well Chuckie, thanks for being you and keeping the rest of us informed about
> Bill
> Redwood City, CA
Sheeple Love Sadists & Vice Versa {detail}, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing, 2004, 2 1/4 x 3 1/4 inches
My goodness, you seem to have talent but you got the wrong president. President
Bill Clinton (VP Al Gore) were offered Osama three times according to the
countries that offered him on a silver platter. Remember if our soldiers would
not have died for your freedom, Hitler or maybe Saddam? would have already shot
you, cut off your hands so you couldn't paint or maybe cut out your tongue, so you
couldn't speak. Get your head out of the cloud you're acting like a flower child
who doesn't understand how he got his freedom. Learning a little history might
help you not make that mistake again but keep painting nobody is perfect.
> Read below and learn a little about the past:
> Maybe you don't remember this?? At a lecture the other day they were playing an
old news video of
> Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan
Administration and it was 1987.
> There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he
said was STUNNING !
> ////////
> Senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"
> Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."
> The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience,
> "Isn't that just a little excessive?"
> "No, sir," continued Ollie.
> "No? And why not?" the senator asked.
> "Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."
> "Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.
> "By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.
> "Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"
> "His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.
> (At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't
> pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A
> couple of people laughed at the attempt.)
> Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.
> "Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered
> "And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.
> "Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed
to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth." The senator disagreed
with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.
> By the way, that senator was Al Gore
> Also: Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis
captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the
Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political
prisoners". However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands.
The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State,
Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released. Thus Mohammad Atta
was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of
the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at
the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US
from all later reports.
> Good Luck
You are truly retarded!! I have great pity for you.
Hi Chuck,
> Just saw your work The Tactics of Tyrants Are Always Transparent featured on
> the home page of the Sydney Morning Herald today
> It's a great piece of work - a picture that gets people thinking, especially
> in an age where people only watch TV, rather than read.
> I don't know whether you blame George Bush for the September 11 attacks (the
> ignorance of intelligence intercepts, diplomatic warnings, negotiating with
> the Taliban over oil, etc.) but I certainly blame him for the subsequent
> foreign actions of the US.
> Would you consider licensing or releasing the reproduction rights of this
> picture for use in protests, or as wall posters? Have you sent it on to
> people at HYPERLINK "http://www.moveon.org" www.moveon.org, and similar?
> Let me know, as I'd love to investigate reproducing it from a high-res scan
> (for posters) here in Sydney.
> Best wishes,
> David Cumming
> 1/98 Ourimbah Rd
> Mosman
Mr. Bowden,
> Either you are utterly ill-informed, intellectually dishonest or hopelessly
> obtuse - or all of the above.
> Your political "statement" regarding our president neither contributes to
> rational discourse, nor to any honest solution to very real and dangerous
> problems. Beyond parroting the typical propaganda we hear ad naseum (Leave it to
> the UN! Listen to the French! Negotiate!? Blame America!) what positive
> contribution can you make?
> Honestly, I'd rather not hear. If your latest work in any indication....
> Stick to cowboys and indians and seascapes. Apparently you have no clue how
> adolescent your politics makes you appear.
> Advice from a grown -up artist to one not-so-grown-up.
From the article in the New York Times and the information on your web
> site, I gather that you are an unpublished author and an unsold artist,
> albeit one of, if not the greatest draftsman the world has ever known,
> in your own humble opinion.
> I find your success as a writer and artist to be just as compelling as
> your uninformed, ill-conceived pacifist whining.
> R. W. Boeche
> Artist & Book Designer
Hello Chuck,
> I believe in art and I thank you for painting what you feel!
> Jon Parker
Dear Chuck,
> I too am an artist, illustrator actually. I think that your drawings
> are wonderful. I draw very similar to you. I too use only pencil and
> eraser. My drawing also take hundreds of hours to complete. People
> think I'm crazy and can't understand how I could like spending so much
> time on one drawing. I have a lot of patience and as a result I can
> create these beautiful realistic pencil drawings. Yours are beautiful
> too! I have also taught drawing, which by the way turned out to be
> rather frustrating to say the least. Anyway I heard about you on the
> news ( the Bush drawing) and that's when I saw your website and went to
> check out your drawings. Well keep up the good work and I'll keep
> checking back. Thanks, Karen
Mr. Bowden:
> Non-carborendum illegitimi.
> Don't let the bastardos get you down.
> The fewking creeps in the Texas Mafia are going to lose their power as soon
> as mid-america awakes.
> Create and show and keep on keepin on.
> Norm
> Frankly, I was not very taken with this particular piece of Mr. Bowden's
> artwork and the way in which he was trying to convey his message. But
> then I freely admit, I'm not exactly much of an art connoisseur.
> However, I just felt I had to let you folks know how spineless I thought
> your decision was to remove Mr. Bowden's artwork from display after
> awarding it second place in the show. Despite your rationalization about
> "insurance matters" being the reason behind your action, any thinking
> individual can clearly see you capitulated to conservative money
> interests, much the same as did CBS when they pulled the Ronald Reagan
> movie from their schedule. In that respect, Mr. Bowden got it right when
> he entitled his work, "The Tactics of Tyrants Are Always Transparent".
> The Right's consistent efforts to stifle any criticism of President Bush
> while wrapping themselves in a blanket of patriotism and lashing out at
> those who dare find fault as un-American, is tyranny in its most
> insidious form. By hiding Mr. Bowden's work in a closet, it seems to me,
> you gave truth to the title of his piece.
> Sincerely;
> Gerry Goldshine
Mr. Bowden,
> BRAVO! the message of truth conveyed by art is very important to those of us who
live and seek it. will a litho or copy of this work ever be available? please
advise if so. thank you for your art.
I just read a story about a so-called piece of art that you created that
> represents George Bush in a derogatory way. I would just like to say that I
> defend your right to make such images and to enter them into fancy contests,
> but my personal opinion is that you are a piece of trash and do not deserve
> the freedom that others have died to provide you. If you are so unhappy
> with the situation here in the USA, please just move your silly butt back to
> Panama! Besides, it does not seem that you area doing very well here anyway
> (i.e. to failed books, failed art gallery, 2nd place in a tiny art contest,
> etc…)
> Thank You for Your Time,
> Matthew Hall
<DIV>Hello Chuck Bowen,</DIV>
> <DIV>I really was impressed with the Prez piece of art work..</DIV>
> <DIV>If you ever release it on poster or postcard I would like to order
> <DIV>thank-you,</DIV>
> <DIV>Carol Schofield</DIV>
> <DIV>Foothill Records, </DIV>
> <DIV>1043 Foothill Blvd , </DIV>
> <DIV>La Canada, Calif. 91011</DIV>
> Congratulations/condolences on all the controversy over your painting.
> I do believe Bush is responsible for 9/11
> Thank you
> -- Erik A. Fadiman
> HYPERLINK "http://www.fadiman.com" www.fadiman.com
Mr. Bowden,
> I know you don't know me, but I just needed to write you after reading the
> article on my local news radio station's Web site regarding the pulling of your
> artwork from that exhibit, which seems to be run by some very closed-minded
> people. I visited your Web site, and I'd like to tell you that I like very
> much the piece you created ("Tactics of Tyrants are Always Transparent"), and had
> it been me running things there, your piece would have gone into the exhibit
> just like the 193 others.
> I am a fellow artist…a graphic designer from New York City…and I share
> pretty much the same views regarding the subject matter of that particular piece of
> work. I myself had worked in Tower 2 from October 1998 to May 1999, and I
> can just tell you that I never felt comfortable there. It was my fortune that
> I left there when I did. Unfortunately, I lost a friend there on 09.11.01,
> and didn't realize it was him until over a year later. When I found out, I
> was pretty devastated. I also felt that something just wasn't right about
> this whole thing…like it was almost staged.
> Anyway, it was an awful thing that happened, and I am glad you took the steps
> to illustrate your feelings about what happened. I totally felt you are
> within your rights to do this piece and display it, as you are only exercising
> your freedom of speech…something that slowly seems to be disappearing here in
> this country. Sorry that it took negative press to get your work recognized,
> but I am just happy to have been able to see your work.
> Good luck in your endeavors, and I hope that you find someone who wouldn't
> mind displaying your work freely, rather than bubble-wrapping it and putting it
> in a closet. Thanks for taking the time to read this letter, and be well!
> ———
> Bill Cwiekalo
> Principal
> Northern Lights Designs
> E-mail: HYPERLINK "http://webmail.inreach.com/src/compose.php?send_to=NLDesigns%40aol.com" NLDesigns@aol.com
> Web site: HYPERLINK "http://www.NLD-online.com" www.NLD-online.com
Alerted by the press, I checked out your stuff. Your work beautiful!
> And I'm not talking about just the Bush thing.
> Steve (NYC)
Dear Chuck,
> I know you would rather publicity be about your talent, but it's today's
> culture. However, the online work I saw was beyond outstanding. The publicity is
> the "Madonna Principle," and at least it will make people aware of your art.
> You'r brave, and beyond that, a great talent. I teach art history at USC-U. You
> made art history. I would greatly appreciate a 35mm slide of ``The Tactics of
> Tyrants Are Always Transparent,'' or if not available another slide of your
> work. It will be used for teaching purposes only, and not printed in any form. I
> have a list of artists online I use in teaching, and it is consulted by many
> other art history professors. I hope I play a part in increasing your
> recognition.
> Gerard Bowles
> 452 N. Main St.
> Woodruff, SC 29388
> PS, I advise you put ``The Tactics of Tyrants Are Always Transparent'' on
> your Website
Subject: Your an Idiot!
And that's being polite.
> Michael Vile
> Homestead, Fl.
r. Bowden,
> As a self taught artist myself, your work is great, in my opinion, and have
> admired it. However, your "Tyrant" work is incomplete, unfortunately.
> Please read this through, as I would very much like to hear your response.
> I see this more and more with every passing day, and you too have fallen
> prey to the assumption that September 11th was the first terrorist attack.
> How naivé. Do you drink Evian water?
> Your work should also include as the "Transparent Tyrants", William
> Jefferson Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and in some cases Ronald Reagan and
> Jimmy "The Peanut" Carter. The terror attacks have been going on since the
> mid-late 70's. Where have you been? None of the aforementioned knew or
> believed it was anything to worry about. Isolated incidents, and nothing
> more than that, so in essence, they all have the Trade Towers vitims blood
> on thir hands indirectly. George Bush (43) happened to be at the helm when
> the real stuff came down. And I thank God he was.
> Remember the hostages in Iran? The Stark? US Embassies in Africa, Somalia,
> Trade Center bombings in '93? And I'm forgetting a few. Then Sept 11th.
> To put George Bush as the sole subject in this painting is incorrect, and
> while your talent is obvious, your subject matter needs a little more
> research, so you don't make yourself look like an ass.
> To complain that your 1st ammendment rights are being infringed is
> completely laughable considering your obvious limited knowledge of the
> subject matter. You need to realize that Bush is fighting an unpopular war
> to (whether you realize it or not) to prevent those rights from being taken
> away by others who wish to do us harm. Think that's not true? Would you
> fly a plane into a building and kill yourself to make a point? Do you think
> they would care if you felt your "rights were being infringed"?? They'd slap
> you down, and slit your throat for kicks. These folks are serious as a
> heart attack, and we as a country have to stop looking at this as a
> political catalyst to make statements, and see it for what it really is. A
> campain to stomp out our lives, freedoms, and way of life as we know it.
> I'm not ready to accept their terms, and I hope you aren't either.
> I enjoy your work very much, but as I do, before you put pen to paper, or
> paint to canvas next time, save some face by doing research, or maybe avoid
> political statements all together unless you really know what you're trying
> to say, and can back it up. Thanks for letting me voice my opinion to you,
> and I hope to hear from you.
> Best Regards,
> Christopher Scharff
The Humboldt Arts Council's recent decision about your magnificently
> named piece "Tactics of Tyrants are Always Transparent" is just another
> drip in the seemingly endless flow of authoritarian, reactionary lunacy
> from your betrayed nation. As a Canadian subject of the American Empire,
> I offer whatever encouragement I can and hope that you are undeterred.
> Peace.
> I just wanted to thank you for your bravery. We are living in scary times-
> with a scary "tyrant" leading the way. Best of luck in all you do.
> Tony Triano
> Actor in FL
If you are the Chuck Bowden who has recently had his work 'yanked' from
> the show in Redwood, I commend you for your strength and the beauty of
> your imagery`cold reality.
> Thank you for saying in art what many of us feel in our hearts.
> Lee Ann Rust
> V.P.A. Dept