Rembrandt View Lady {detail}, .75 x 1 inches
There is a Bowden School of Realism located in Fortuna California. Classes are 12 students or less and last for 8 weeks, meeting once a week for 2 1/2 hours. There will be offered a 7 day crash course which will be more convenient for those not living in the Fortuna area. This class will meet every other day for one week, meaning four class days and three days off. The techniques taught are for the use of Ballpoint Pen or Pencil or Pen & Ink. Also available will be private tutoring lessons.
The cost for the 8 week course is $25 per class and for private lessons the price will be $125 per class. The prices are for classes here in Fortuna. The Crash one Week Course may be offered in San Francisco soon {4 1/2 hours south of Fortuna}. The cost for the S.F. Course is $500 per student {$125 per class} and for the Fortuna Crash Course, the cost would be {$50 per class}.
As I have said, my original goal was to create what no one has or will ever be able to create and this has led to the development of a technique and mindset seemingly one of a kind here in our Earthly Universe. Now, however, my goal is to find others to transfer these techniques and this knowledge to. The classes are Open to anyone of any age or ability. I can guarantee that once the techniques and mindset are grasped, the individual artist/student will be able to achieve works of art technically beyond anyone else here on Earth {not trained at this school}. This means, students from this SCHOOL of Realism will be creating at levels far beyond any of the known famous Photorealists {or medical illustrators or hyper-realists or miniaturists}, current or past.
How long this takes varies of course from artist to artist, but 1-2 courses of 8 weeks should get one {beginner} well prepared for grasping this technique and for those who are more desirous of the Crash Course method, a solid foundation should be acquired in 3 one week crash courses. Like I have said, this ability is more of a mental approach achieved rather than a technique learned. This means there is an Evolutionary Curve aspect to both the grasping of the technique, which may come sooner, and the grasping of the mindset necessary to achieve the timeless beauty behind the technique, which may come later. This Evolutionary Curve of the mental approach, takes a little time but is available to all who so desire.