This is a miniature 3.5 INCH drawing rendered with a mechanical pencil holding 2 mm graphite leads from 8H to 4B, along with a black ballpoint pen. The original inspiration for this figure was a young man of the 1860’s who was photographed in a skylight portrait studio and then printed on a Carte de’ Visite which I came across in a secondhand store 100+ years later. The original motivational basis for removing his head and adding graffiti to the background was too counterbalance the monsterous minds in Washington DC, namely Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Sr., who were in the news for Contra-Gate, supplying Iranian terrorists with weapons, jets, bombs, etc., as a trade-off for keeping the hostages hostage and not releasing them to President Jimmy Carter {see Barbara Honegger’s book October Surprise}, for training and arming death squads in Central America, for shipping weapons to Terrorists in Central America in exchange for CIA planes full of cocaine being imported through Mena, Arkansas {see information related to Hasenfus plane crash and calls to GW Bush Sr.} and of course the expansion of the Nuclear Cold War paranoia with Russia. So alas, with all this info relative to the criminal rogue element in Washington DC, how could I remain, or anyone remain silent?
As you can see in the background you will find your Republican friend, a Nuclear Bomb, above the head of your very Patriotic President cheering onward the Cold War nuclear paranoia, which of course won’t affect your Republican head when the Bomb is dropped because you’re dumbed down and delusional enough to believe these Nuclear Bombs can selectively target “Evildoers” with no harm to you or anyone related to you whatsoever. Replacement of the man’s head on the book on the table symbolizes how some men can justify the slaughter of countless innocents all based on a Book {or an ORDER} they WILL NEVER QUESTION.