Rembrandt View Lady, pencil & ballpoint pen, 1987, 7.5 X 9.5 inches
Rembrandt View Lady {detail}, 2 x 2.75 inches
Rembrandt View Lady {detail}, .75 X 1 inches
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Rembrandt View Lady, pencil & ballpoint pen, 1987, 7.5 X 9.5 inches
Rembrandt View Lady {detail}, 2 x 2.75 inches
Rembrandt View Lady {detail}, .75 X 1 inches
The original inspiration for this drawing was an 8x10 inch negative from c1919 shot in studio by SEELY STUDIO in Humboldt California. I was a friend of Emo Seely’s from 1984 till he passed away and I knew that the studio was closing in 1989, after being in business for 85 years, and that since none of the local Historical Societies wanted to save the SEELY COLLECTION, I decided to save nearly 50,000 original negatives from the dumpster. This was one of the negatives I saved. Since originally ELMO & ED were going to re-cycle all the negatives for the silver content {since the Humboldt Historical Society had no interest in the collection}, they had removed a lot of the images from the identifying envelope and so therefore a lot of the negatives I saved had no identifying information including this one which dates from circa 1917-1920.