Tintype Old Man, Pencil & Ink, 1984, 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches
Tintype Old man {Detail}, Pencil & Ink, 1984, 1/4 x 7/16 inches
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Tintype Old Man, Pencil & Ink, 1984, 7/8 x 1 1/4 inches
Tintype Old man {Detail}, Pencil & Ink, 1984, 1/4 x 7/16 inches
This is a miniature 1.25 INCH drawing rendered with a mechanical pencil holding 2mm graphite leads 8H to 4B, along with a ballpoint pen and a Rapidiograph ink pen. The original inspiration for this image was an elderly gentleman born in the 1700’s who had his Tintype portrait taken in a skylight studio sometime in the 1860s. Originally when I began drawing portraits, my only reference material available was World Book Encyclopedia and Playboy and one book on historic photography called the American Album, and all of these images of course are halftone screened prints of varying quality. And so when I got out into the real world and came across Ambrotypes and Tintypes and Daguerreotypes, I instantly recognized the far superior detail compared with photographs printed in books. This of course led to my interest in old-time cameras and images and my collecting of Historic photography of which I more than likely have better than 100,000 images. This Tintype image was found at a secondhand store in Northern California. Since the pupils of the eyes are smaller than the tip of a ballpoint pen, I used a 6x0 Rapidiograph for the pupils, while the rest was ballpoint pen and pencil. This is one of my earliest drawings combining the two mediums of pencil and ballpoint pen, my permanent conversion came a few years later.