Tits & Truth, pencil, ballpoint pen & marker, 2008, 8.5 X 11.5 inches
Tits & Truth {detail}, 5.25 X 6.5 inches
Tits & Truth {detail}, 3.5 X 5 inches
Your Custom Text Here
Tits & Truth, pencil, ballpoint pen & marker, 2008, 8.5 X 11.5 inches
Tits & Truth {detail}, 5.25 X 6.5 inches
Tits & Truth {detail}, 3.5 X 5 inches
{Text for Drawing}
Operation Paperclip imported Nazis to USA
GWB’s father backed the Nazi war machine
The Vietnam war pretext was Faked
The Panama invasion pretext was Faked
The Persian Gulf War pretexts were Faked
The bombing of Pearl Harbor was Roosevelt’s goal
The Iraqi War pretexts were all Faked
The USA belongs to Native Americans
The US Government burned’em all alive at Waco
The US government bombed Oklahoma City
CIA and LBJ ordered JFK dead
US government bombed New York City 9-11-01
The CIA killed M. L. King
The CIA killed R. F. Kennedy
The Moon Landings were Faked
Elections of 2000 and 2004 were Faked
Kennedy’s killer was one of three tramps on stairs
Reagan and Bush bribed Iranians to win 1980 election
The coup d’état of 11-22-1963 makes USA illegal
The US Government backs Palestine Holocaust
The US Government sanctions torture and terror
The Cold War is a fascist fabrication
Aids is a man-made designer plague
The US Government is crop dusting us via Chemtrails
Operation Northwoods was basis for
Operation 9-11-2001