To Hell With Innocence, Let’s Blow Up the World
Pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing {on ostrich egg mounted on wooden girl mounted on a wwi era helmet}, 2000, 12 inches tall
To Hell With Innocence, Let’s Blow Up the World, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing {on ostrich egg mounted on wooden girl mounted on a wwi era helmet}, 2000, 12 inches tall, Drawing about 4-5 inches diameter.
To Hell With Innocence, Let’s Blow Up the World {detail}, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing {on ostrich egg mounted on wooden girl mounted on ww1 era helmet}, 2000, 2 x 3 1/2 inches, The White specks visible are the dimples in the Egg Shell, which were left after polishing the Egg using, in order, 180 grit, 220 grit, 300 grit, 400 grit, 600 grit and finally, 1500 grit, the area to be drawn on is then roughed up using 300 or 400 grit sandpaper. ALL gridding off of the drawing area and that of the Photo is done with con-centric circles and radiating lines from the center of the circle.
To Hell With Innocence, Let’s Blow Up the World {reverse side}, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing {on ostrich egg mounted on wooden girl mounted on ww1 era helmet}, 2000, 12 inches tall
To Hell With Innocence, Let’s Blow Up the World {detail}, pencil & ballpoint pen & marker drawing {on ostrich egg mounted on wooden girl mounted on ww1 era helmet}, 2000, 1 1/2 x 3 inches
The COLORS you see behind the Girls on each side of the OSTRICH EGG, are scribbled ballpoint pen. Since this surface does not absorb the INK at all, the colors stay in a rather liquid form and all colored in areas, whether the GREEN on this side, or the RED on the other side, must be completed before the INK dries, or else no further extension/continuance of the colored areas can be obtained. The dried ink will only chip off, should you try and merge a new area with an area that has dried. This leads to the necessity of drawing for long, long periods of time, scribbling at light speed, or there abouts. Also, since this work is 2 sided, the Ostrich Egg is placed in a bowl with a diameter slightly smaller than the Egg and then the downwards side is elevated off of the surface, with only the long edges touching the bowl. And of course, some degree of padding is added. Egg Shell, Clay Poker Chips, Fossilized Ivory and regular Antique Ivory all have a superior surface to that of paper, being that the surface is prepared according to YOUR STANDARDS and SPECS and not those of some random paper manufacturer. Of course, the ability to make slight alterations is a nice advantage also. {with a number 11 Exacto blade}