I Will Stop War


Oh, what a concept! To actually know you yourself were, in part, responsible to the stoppage of War,

the ultimate Dream come true!

But of course, you the Majority {in the USA} are firmly convinced that War is inevitable, it always has been always will be why bother? It’s like trying to prevent the Sun from rising or the Wind from blowing or the Waves from breaking. So you the Majority have given up on such far-fetched notions and believe that such a wish of

Ending the War

is but the futile efforts of the fringe lunatic element of society who obviously can’t get with the program and


like the rest of us Good Americans.

I mean, embracing the psychotic logic of the

serial-killers is the NORM here in America,

wrapped red white and blue,

mass murder seems forever pleasantly appealing.

Yes, you the Majority here in the good old USA, have abandoned all morality, decency, legitimacy,

and the like in favor of

Satanic Worship.

Oh no, not I, you adamantly pronounce!

I wave Flags, how can I love Satan?

I go to Church, how can I love Satan?

I vote Republican, how can I love Satan?

I vote Democrat, how can I love Satan?

Such a mystery.

If War is Hell, Uncle Sam is Satan.

Since all agree War is Hell,

and since Uncle Sam is the Champion of War,

then obviously, you are Worshipers of Satan,

meaning, you the Majority here in the USA.

You see what happens when you have grown so spineless and compliantly obedient to the dictates and logic of

trigger-happy War Mongers here in the USA?

You become one of them.

You become an Enabler of Mass Murder,

for ANY reason under the Sun,

as long as it’s wrapped red white and blue.

It doesn’t really matter if the song and dance Spin Doctors sell slaughter on Lies, such as Vietnam, Panama, Iraq version 1, Iraq version 2, Afghanistan and so on,

you theMajority embrace the Blood Bath

wholeheartedly and without question!

I mean the Nazi War Machine could have never asked for anything more than an obediently compliant and question-less Majority who fervently embraced

mass murder so universally.

Could it be the USA’s War Machine has

out Nazified the Nazis of Hitler’s era?

Well, when you have a Majority who have

given up on the Concept of Peace,

who believe War is inevitable and a permanent feature

for the protection of our American Way

{Freedom isn’t Free and Killing isn’t Killing, right?},

who are admittedly cowards unwilling to take a stance against Uncle Sam’s illegitimate Wars of Aggression,

no matter how big and horrific the LIE was to sell the War, who see protests and sit-ins and peace walks & marches & parades and the such, as but the

Childish Dreams of the uninformed,

well, Hitler thanks you, Stalin to,

for embracing the Blood Baths so obediently

and subserviently

and mindlessly

and cowardly

and universally

for the Good of Hell here on Earth.

You the majority make all dead dictators, tyrants and Draconian despots proud every damn day of your life

you awake too dead to say one word,

to lift one finger,

to think one thought

in protest to the

War Mongers march on Mother Earth.

And you can thank Satan for that!

And yes, actions DO speak louder than words and the fact is you have NO ACTIONS to prove your Preference and Love of Peace. You are numbered among the Walking Dead, too afraid to say Word One against the Hell of the War Mongers who infest your entire Government.

And you can think Satan for that!

Oh yes, you can paint lipstick on a pig and go to church 24-7 and make believe the goodness of your

Godless, dissent-less, protest-less, direction,

but, who are you really fooling???


