A Forever War on an UNSEEN ENEMY

“C. I. A.”

Song by the Fugs

Commentary* by Chuck Bowden


If you are the biggest bully on the block, as the USA is, and you have no enemy to kick around, you must invent one….This is where covert operations come into play….Who can instigate World War III without blinking an eye….Fuggin’ A, the USA….The events of 9/11/2001 will reveal and has revealed to some of us this tragedy was an orchestrated set up, fabricated and perpetuated from the minds of a handful of certain “intelligence” agencies here in good ol’ USA, to install a form of plausibly acceptable War on us all….

Who can train terrorist masterminds by the dozen?....

Fuggin’ A, the USA….

Noriega, Shaw of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and who knows just how many more….

Fuggin’ A, the USA backed Nazi-founded C.I.A….

Destabilization is Primary Goal numero uno in War lovin’ minds, so to train terrorists by the score, as our history reveals US of A willfully and unhesitatingly does {sleeping with the enemy to attain a theoretically higher objective}, is but a foundationally uncompromising option

for the methodical deployment of destabilization on regions targeted….

The US trained {School of the Americas, terrorist training school in the USA} and CIA backed operatives are then turned loose on those innocent lives necessary to create the War and destabilization most beneficial to Greed Mongers wallets,

Oh, the Secret Agendas how Un-secret they become

when you really think about it….

And now with the son of that “I don’t care what the facts are” George Bush Sr. in place as your President….You have Warmongers galore now deployed throughout Governmental hierarchy and the Dreamy Dreary War Happy Merry-go-Round, I spoke in the beginning of the book, now seems to becoming a Reality we all will witness….To those guilty here of premeditatively conspiring in the allowment {by turning a Blind Eye by way of collusionary ignorance} of this carnage in New York City and Pennsylvania and Washington DC,

this event was a victory of epic proportions,

for now the Universal enemy invisible and elusive can be invented

at the point of a Presidential Warlord finger, regardless of what the facts are,

a forever War on an unseen enemy,

with a multitude of innocent men, women and children, here there and everywhere, seen no more than as collateral expendable souls by the Perma Lyncher’s Justice War Lord of the World, Swingin’ George Bush Junior of the Jungle…..And what agency was his {I am not a wimp} Dad head of….Fuggin’ A, the C.I.A…..{written 9-23-2001}….

*Excerpt from my book 

 "Songs Mightier Than Swords"

the Definitive Anti-War Song Book

1998-till Now Unpublished

{2015 update....Now that I appear to be some sort of Super Psychic after 14 consecutive years of WAR ON AN UNSEEN ENEMY, you may be wanting to know how to become so foresightedly Psychic like me, well, for anyone who wants to know the Future, all you have to do is WAKE UP, oh yea, and pull your Igorian head out of the Assinine Directives of the Madmen you Worship....Is that really to much to ask?....Is it really that difficult to see the Future when you are dealing with a Government who invented the Fake Vietnamese Enemies, the Fake Enemies in Yugoslavia, the Fake Enemies in Waco Texas, the Fake Enemies in Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere.....???....A predatory Government which concocts half-baked non-sensical Cover stories for every major News Event...???....Being Psychic requires being AWAKE and being HUMAN....Did PANAMA attack us, did Guatemala attack us, did Iraq attack us, did VIETNAM attack us, did any of them attack us....NO....do you see an ongoing pattern of Criminal Behavior here?....So, a FOREVER WAR on an UNSEEN ENEMY is just STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 101 for extracting megalithic Profits of EPIC PROPORTIONS for the FEW, for the Elitest Fux you NOW WORSHIP...first step, PULL YOUR HEAD OUT....